Little Learners Day Care

Confidentiality Policy


The right to confidentiality and privacy of the child and the family is respected as outlined in Code of Ethics- Early Childhood Australia, the Department of Education and Communities and Human Rights Act. Little Learners Day Care Centre will respect the privacy of children, parents and educators, while ensuring that they access high quality early years’ care and education in our Service. We aim to ensure that all Parents and Educators can share their information in the confidence that it will only be used to enhance the welfare of their child.

Policy statement

This Policy outlines the roles, responsibilities and expectations of Little Learners Day Care Centre’s (‘The Service’) employees & visitors, in regards to maintaining confidentiality.

Strategies and practices

  • Information given to Educators will be treated with respect and in a professional manner & not shared unless required by law
  • Developmental records and other information, that contain the child’s full name and/or personal information on the family will be stored away from public viewing
  • Charts detailing allergies and daily medication will be displayed within the classrooms and staff areas in a discreet manner to ensure all Educators are aware of the specific needs. This is in the best interests of the child
  • Families will only have access to the files and records of their own children

 Confidential information includes but is not limited to:

  • Enrolment Form details
  • Developmental Portfolios and observations
  • Behaviour management plans
  • Medical & health information
  • Family Court Orders and restrictions
  • Personal family information
  • Incident reports
  • Medication records
  • Correspondence from support agencies or health professionals
  • Educators will not discuss individual children with people other than the family of that child, except for the purposes of curriculum planning or group management. Communication in other settings must be approved by the family beforehand
  • All educators and volunteers within the service will be given a copy of this policy upon commencement of employment/volunteering to read and sign as a part of their orientation
  • Information relating to staff employment will remain confidential to the people directly involved with making personnel decisions
  • Any concerns or evidence relating to a child’s safety will be kept in a confidential file and will only be shared with the Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person and the governing body for reporting
  • All visitors to the Service are made aware of our confidentiality policy and are required to respect it
  • Information shared with us by the family will be treated as confidential unless told otherwise
  • Confidential information such as a child’s medical history will only be disclosed without written permission in a medical emergency
  • Staff / Educators will not give out personal details of other Staff, Educators or Management to families or parents. Eg: Mobile phone numbers, address etc.
  • All records will be stored securely

Disclosure of Information and Confidentiality

‘Information’ means any information about or relating to LLDC or its business (including but not limited to customer lists, business plans and processes) which: 

  1. comes to your notice in the course of your employment; or
  2. is generated by you in the course of performing your duties.

‘Confidential information’ means any information which is: 

  1. confidential; and
  2. not in the public domain.

Confidential information of or relating to LLDC extends to confidential information of any of their customers, business partners or suppliers, or any other third party whose confidential information you access or obtain or learn as a result of your employment with LLDC. 

Your Obligations During Employment 

During your employment, you must not use or disclose, or allow to be used or disclosed, any Confidential information unless the disclosure is: 

  1. required by law; or
  2. directed by an authorised representative of LLDC.

Your Obligations After Employment 

After your employment ends, you must not use or disclose, or allow to be used or disclosed, any Confidential information unless the disclosure is: 

  1. required by law; or
  2. directed by an authorised representative of LLDC.

Parents or primary care givers may request access to any confidential records held on their child/family following the procedure below:

  • Any request to see the child’s personal file by a parent or person with parental responsibility must be made to the Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person.
  • The Nominated Supervisor/Responsible Person will respond accordingly.
  • A time will be arranged at the earliest convenience for the family to view the file with an Educator if desired in a private environment.
  • Permission will only be granted to the primary care givers of the child. Court Orders stating restriction will be upheld.
  • Permission for Support agencies i.e. behaviourist, speech therapist or other third parties to view the file will only be granted upon approval by the primary care giver in writing to the service or if required by law.

Links to other policies

Links Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011, National Quality Standard 2011

QA 7


 Effective leadership promotes a positive organisational culture and builds a professional learning community.


There is a commitment to continuous improvement.


Administrative systems enable the effective management of a quality Service.


 This policy was made with consideration to the Code of Ethics- Early Childhood Australia, Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011, National Quality Framework and the Privacy Act 1988.

Policy review

The Service encourages staff and parents to be actively involved in the annual review of each of its policies and procedures. In addition, the Service will accommodate any new legislative changes as they occur, and any issues identified as part the Service’s commitment to quality improvement. The Service consults with relevant recognised authorities as part of the annual review to ensure the policy contents are consistent with current research and contemporary views on best practice.

Copyright © Dr Brenda Abbey (Childcare by Design) 2012.

May be reproduced and adapted with permission but the author must be acknowledged.

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