Little Learners Day Care



Early childhood education and care services must comply with the Early Education and Care National Regulations 2011 and the National Quality Standard 2018 in the way they manage the collection of fees and inform parents about this process including any pending changes to the fees.

Policy statement

This Policy details Little Learners Day Care Centre’s (‘The Service’) procedures in relation to fees, methods of payment and associated provisions.  

Strategies and practices

  • The Service’s Fee Policy is explained to parents at enrolment, and the necessary paperwork relating to fees is discussed and completed.
  • The Service ensures that, wherever possible, parents of children enrolled at the Service are notified at least 14 days in advance of any change that will affect the fees charged or the way in which fees are collected.
  • A Non Refundable booking fee of $100.00 per family to be paid when you submit your child’s enrolment forms.
  • The current fee schedule is as follows: $151.00 (12hr session) and $150.00 (10hr session) per day.
  • Upon enrolment, Fees are to be paid on or before the child’s first day of attendance and will be paid via EFTPOS. Families are required to pay two weeks’ fees in advance (i.e. full fee if CCS has not been approved) plus fees for the current week per child. (Weekly billing = current week + 2 or Fortnightly billing = current week + 3)
  • Fees are to be kept two weeks in advance at all times and paid via Debit Success.
  • Normal fees apply to Public Holidays, sick days, family holidays and any other absence. Child Care Subsidy is paid for a child’s absences up to 42 days per child each financial year. The Service does not exchange days of care and does not arrange make-up days.
  • Fees will apply for all booked days that the child does not attend due to illness, holidays or Public Holidays.
  • A discount of $45 will be taken off the daily fee for families who give a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice for Holidays. Families are entitled to 4 weeks per year. (Child’s booked days x 4)
  • Management will contact you if your direct debit declines. The service charges a $20.00 declined fee, and families will be asked to pay the amount owed by EFTPOS.
  • Parents are advised to contact Centrelink directly to determine their eligibility for CCS before the child commences at the Service.
  • If your Direct Debit declines, there will be a $20 administration fee charged by LLDC.

**Please note that you will also be charged a fee from Debit Success**

  • The Service requires a full two-week written notice of an intention to change the day or the number of days required or to withdraw a child from the Service. The two weeks’ notice begins from the close of business on the day the Service receives the written advice. The advanced fee is used for those two weeks if choosing to withdraw, and any difference refunded.
  • A late fee of $20 for the first 1 – 15 minutes, then $20.00 for 16 – 30 minutes and so forth thereafter per child, will be charged for any child collected later than the Service’s closing time.
  • If your family is on the 10-hour session, and you drop off/pick up outside the nominated hours, you will incur a $20.00 early/late drop-off/pick-up fee. Our 10-hr session hrs are 7.30am-5.30pm.

Additional safe practices for babies 

  • N/A

Responsibilities of parents

  • To ensure fees are kept up-to-date.
  • To keep the Service informed of any changes in attendance (e.g. family holidays, other absences)
  • To respond promptly to communications from the Family Assistance Office to maintain CCS eligibility.   

Links to other policies


Further reading and useful websites

Policy review

The Service encourages staff and parents to be actively involved in the annual review of each of its policies and procedures. In addition, the Service will accommodate any new legislative changes as they occur, and any issues identified as part the Service’s commitment to quality improvement. The Service consults with relevant recognised authorities as part of the annual review to ensure the policy contents are consistent with current research and contemporary views on best practice.

Copyright © Dr Brenda Abbey (Childcare by Design) 2012.

May be reproduced and adapted with permission but the author must be acknowledged.

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